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Rose Garden Printable Thank You Card

Rose Garden Printable Thank You Card

We created this free thank you card printable with inspiration drawn from old English cottage gardens with garden roses blooming by the stone walls. Romantic elegant and peaceful.

Free Thank You Card Printable, Garden Rose

Free Printable Thank You Card

gardenroseweb1 1.jpg Getting Married in Denmark

1. Press Download button, right click on image in the new window and save as.

2. Find yourself some white or off white A4 size cardstock Paper and A6 Size envelopes.

3. Print on to cardstock paper.

4. Cut out (for best results use a paper trimmer)

5. Fold in half so that ‘Thank you’ is horizontal and facing towards you.

garden rose wedding stationary.jpg Getting Married in Denmark

Get started with our Free Service

This is for those couples who are considering getting married in Denmark and are looking for some helpful information on how to get started and how the process works:

  • You answer our 6 questions for us to understand you and your partner’s situation 
  • We will tell you if you and your partner are able to get married in Denmark
  • We provide you with a preliminary list of the required documents to get married in Denmark
  • We answer any questions, concerns or doubts about getting married in Denmark or our services