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Contact us to Get Your Free Documentation List

Get in touch

Everyone is different, and there can be many variations and issues with everyone’s documents, but don’t worry.

We will try our best to work any issues out and find the best solutions for you. Even if you are missing some required documents, we still may be able to help you.


Send us an email or fill in the contact form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Send us a message via WhatsApp and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Call Us

We’re available to chat anytime between the hours of 10.00 and 16.00 Danish time (GMT+1) from Tuesday to Friday.

Although we do suggest that you email us if you can so we’ve got your details in writing.

Business Information

Getting Married in Denmark ApS
Købmagergade 61a, Baghuset 2. Sal
1150 Copenhagen K – Denmark

*Please do not mail any type of documentation to this address as we only deal with documents digitally. Marriage certificates for apostille legalisation must be sent to our carrier directly, not to our office address above.

Get started with our Free Service

This is for those couples who are considering getting married in Denmark and are looking for some helpful information on how to get started and how the process works:

  • You answer our 6 questions for us to understand you and your partner’s situation 
  • We will tell you if you and your partner are able to get married in Denmark
  • We provide you with a preliminary list of the required documents to get married in Denmark
  • We answer any questions, concerns or doubts about getting married in Denmark or our services