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We had a great experience from the very beginning. The team was so supportive with us, they supported everything in the process until the big day.They gave a lot of feedback and suggestions. Everything was great from the beginning to the end of the process.Thanks Getting Married in Denmark for helping us make our special day even more so.Natalia and Geraint
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Getting Married in Sønderborg

Getting married in Sønderborg is a great choice for those couples who want to get married in a town hall that is within easy driving distance of the German border. The town of Sønderborg is just less than 40 minutes by car from the border and is very easy to get to. 

You might also be interested to read Dänische Rathäuser für Ihre Hochzeit in Dänemark.

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Photo Credit Wikipedia

Why Get Married in Sønderborg?

Sønderborg is not likely to be a Danish town you will have necessarily heard of, given its tucked away location in the south of Jutland. However, it is becoming increasingly popular with couples who are driving to Denmark from Germany due to its close proximity to Germany, and the popularity of other town halls (with less availability) that are also close to the German border .

Sønderborg is a lovely town with a plethora of cultural, historical and entertainment attractions – meaning there is a lot to see and do here. To add to this it is located right by the water – with the fjords and rivers a huge part of life here.

It is only possible to get married on Fridays in Sønderborg.

Witnesses are provided for you by the town hall as standard procedure and at no extra cost. However, you are very welcome to bring your own witnesses if you wish. 

The Sønderborg marriage offices asks for at least 1 week to process marriage date requests, though they do often respond much quicker than this. It totally depends on how busy they are. 🙂

You MUST present your documents one working day before your wedding ceremony.

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The Look and Feel of Getting Married in Sønderborg.

There are actually 2 locations where weddings take place and neither of them are at the town hall in Sønderborg!

Nor are either of them actually located in the centre of Sønderborg! One location is at a hotel in Gråsten, the other is a hotel located in Nordborg. 

Det Gamle Rådhus in Gråsten used to be the town hall (hence its name) but has since been renovated into a hotel. It retains a lot of  its original features while also having that modern and newer feel to it.  

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Dat Gamle Rådhus – Image taken from Google

The room in which the weddings take place is called the Chamber, as it used to be the old council chamber.  

Gråsten is a lovely little town, located just 15 minutes by car from the centre of Sønderborg and boasts close access to lakes, beaches and woodland, so if you love being close to nature, then this is a great location. 

Hotel Nørredhus is a hotel that is part of the Dansk Hotel chain (of which there are 26 located throughout Denmark). It’s not the prettiest building but its location is incredibly green and peaceful. 

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Hotel Nørredhus – Image taken from Google

This hotel is located in Nordborg, around a 30 minute drive from the centre of Sønderborg. It is very close to the Nordborg lake, which is very stunning and super typical of the Danish landscape. 

How to Get to Sønderborg

If you are driving from Germany, then it’s a very simple journey from the German border. You can see the journey on a map here.

If you are driving from Copenhagen, it will take you around 3.5 hours. You can see the journey on a map here.  

If you are coming from Germany via public transport, then from Flensburg you can catch a bus. This will take you around 1.25 hours. You can see this journey on a map here

And from Copenhagen there are a number of train journeys but if you plan carefully, there is one that goes directly to Sønderborg. You can see the journey on a map here

5 Things to Do While in Sønderborg

An absolutely stunning piece of history, standing proudly next to the water on Als island. With a rich history, taking some time to visit this magnificent castle during your time in Sønderborg is an absolute must. 

This is the summer residence of the Danish Royal Family, however this gorgeous palace’s gardens and chapel is open to the public when the Royal Family is not in residence, so if you happen to be in this area when the Royal Family are not, you should check it out! 🙂 

Dybbøl Mill is in fact a museum but this old mill is a very important landmark in Denmark’s history. This was the site of a huge battle in 1864 which suffered the losses of nearly 5000 Danish lives. Today, Dybbøl Mill is a symbol of Danish resilience and is worth visiting to deepen your understanding of this nation’s rich history.

Located on the edge of the fjord, and in the mansions of the palace, this beautiful building is home to the Augustiana Art Gallery. Explore the world of modern art and soak up this gorgeous cultural location. 

There is a long history between Germany and Denmark, especially so in those towns that are close to the border. This museum explores this rich and sometimes turbulent history.

Do you wish to get married in Sønderborg?

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