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The Apostille Legalisation Service

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The Apostille Legalisation Service we provide after your wedding in Denmark.

There is no time frame on when you can take our Apostille Service; This can be taken immediately after your wedding or years after.

If you are thinking “But what is the Apostille Legalisation in the first place?”

Then you might want to read our  Legalisation mit Haager Apostille in Dänemark article first, or watch the video  ->



This is a service we provide after your wedding in Denmark.

There is no time frame on when you can take our Apostille Service; This can be taken immediately after your wedding or years after.

It is for those couples who will be using their wedding with their respective governments after their wedding, e.g. to register the marriage or to apply for a spousal Visa, and will need that extra layer of ‘legalisation’ on their marriage certificate.

We do not have to have helped you with your wedding in Denmark for you to take this service.

  • Sie senden einfach Ihre Heiratsurkunde(n) an unser Apostillen-Team (wir erklären Ihnen vorher, wie Sie dabei vorgehen müssen)
  • Sobald wir Ihre Urkunde(n) erhalten haben, leiten wir sie an das dänische Außenministerium weiter
  • Das Außenministerium prüft die Angaben auf Ihren Urkunden und bringt dann die Apostille in Form eines Stempels auf deren Rückseite an
  • Anschließend senden wir Ihnen Ihre Urkunde(n) über einen nachverfolgbaren Kurierdienst an eine Adresse Ihrer Wahl* zurück


*The Apostille Service fee only covers the return to one address. An extra fee is incurred to cover the courier costs back to 2 separate addresses.

Hear It From Our Customers

My husband and I had an amazing time getting married in city hall and we are so happy to have used getting married in Denmark for our special day. They helped us with a photographer, getting the paper work done and the apostile. We are very grateful to Penny for all of her help.
My husband and I had a wonderful experience getting married in Helsingør, Denmark, thanks to the full-service team we hired. The town and Town Hall were beautiful, and the ceremony was warm and personal. Everything was incredibly easy and after submitting our documents, all we had to do was show up with our passports. The process was fast, smooth and stress-free. Highly recommend their service for anyone looking to get married in Denmark!
Grate service, very nice and helpful agency. The best agency 👌. Many thanks to the whole team. 🙌

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  • Sie beantworten uns 6 Fragen, die uns helfen, Ihre Situation und die Ihres Partners einzuschätzen 
  • Wir sagen Ihnen, ob es für Sie und Ihren Partner möglich ist, in Dänemark zu heiraten
  • Wir stellen Ihnen eine vorläufige Liste der erforderlichen Dokumente für die Eheschließung in Dänemark zur Verfügung
  • Wir klären alle Fragen, Bedenken oder Zweifel bezüglich der Eheschließung in Dänemark oder unserer Dienstleistungen