This can be due to any number of reasons: tight visa restrictions, tax purposes, pregnancy, political reasons, good old-fashioned LOVE (some are simply too excited to wait), and many more! 😉
Whatever your reason for wanting to get married quickly, this article is designed to help you understand the process of marriage in Denmark and to highlight exactly what you need to do to secure that express wedding date:
How to get married in Denmark fast?
These 5 tips on how to get married in Denmark fast, are based on our experience here at GMID, a wedding agency that has helped more then 7500 couples marry in Denmark.
We might be biased, but hear us out (we’ve been helping couples get married since 2014, and we’ve seen it all).
Okay here we go:
5 Tips on how to get married in Denmark fast:
- Choose the help of a wedding agency
- Follow exactly the instructions given to you by the wedding agency
- Work quickly
- Be flexible with the location of your wedding
- Be flexible with the day of the week your wedding can be held
Below we will explore each of these tips in detail to help you get the wedding date you are hoping for!
How Long Does it Take to Get Married in Denmark?
Your application approval is received in 5 working days, if your documents are correct, and you get the application right the first time.
If you’re on a tight timeframe, then it’s more important than ever to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible, and in order for this to happen, your application must be approved first time around.
Because if the AFL has any queries about your application or feels that documentation has not been supplied sufficiently, then they will not approve your application. They will then ask for things to be clarified or resupplied and this will cause delays.
During the busier times of year, this delay can be up to 8 weeks before a further response or approval is then issued.
These delays could potentially have serious consequences if you’re working to a strict time frame.
Which is why choosing a reputable wedding agency is THE most important step you can take.
- Tip No. 1 – Choose the Help of a Wedding Agency!
When choosing to hire the services of a wedding agency, you will receive help with any questions, doubts, lack of clarity, documentation, bureaucracy, the application, town halls and any further required information, etc.
Of course, having this help inevitably speeds up the process. It may initially take a day or two longer to get your documents adhering to the standards of the AFL but it’s 100% worth it to ensure a smooth and successful application!
Having an expert to work with who knows the nuances of the system, deals with the AFL on a daily basis, and understands the process & requirements fully, will not only take worry from your shoulders, but ensures that everything is perfect so that your timeframe can be met!
What is the Process to Get Married in Denmark Fast?
There are a few factors that you must take into account, if you want to get married in Denmark fast! It is important to first understand exactly what is involved with the process of getting married in Denmark.
- Create your application
- Submit your application to the government
- Receive approval of your application
- Book marriage ceremony with the town hall
- Go to Denmark to present your documentation
- Enjoy your wedding ceremony 🙂
- Return home as a married couple
Each of these steps requires time and precision. Step 1 and 2 are of particular importance, especially if you have a deadline with which your marriage needs to take place.
- Tip No. 2 – Follow EXACTLY, the Instructions given to you by the Wedding Agency
Once you have taken the step of hiring a wedding agency, then you will be given a series of instructions with regards to the process, how it works and what YOU need to do! This is very important.
Wedding agencies work with couples every day. They also work with the Agency of Family Law every day, and they work with the town halls every day.
Agencies know what is required, they know what can (and does) go wrong and they know exactly what you, the couple, need to do for your file to be the very best it can be, ready to be submitted to the AFL.
It is therefore vital that you follow the instructions given to you by a wedding agency, exactly.
You may potentially think you’ve supplied everything correctly, but be prepared for the agency to come back with scrutinous details on how your documentation needs to be improved before it will be accepted.
It is also important to understand that you will likely have a few days worth of ‘back and forth’ with the agency until you have provided the documentation to the correct standard.*
*NOTE: this is the standard required by the AFL! The agency is there to help you and ensure your application is approved the first time around which if you’re on a strict deadline, it is essential you follow their advice and instructions thoroughly.
Is it Possible to have an Express Wedding in Denmark?
Yes, an express wedding in Denmark is possible!
However, what is important to be aware of here is that this term; ‘express wedding’ is a little misleading to many couples!
All applications must adhere to the standards of the AFL, all applications will take 5 business days to be responded to, there are no shortcuts that can be made here, and there is no ‘hurrying’ or ‘speeding up’ this part of the process.
This is because the AFL are a government agency, they handle applications fairly, and they will not prioritise one couple over another.
Any agency claiming they have influence over the AFL and how ‘quickly’ they can get your application approved is not being truthful!
So, the crucial thing that needs to happen for a couple on a tight deadline, is that you must work together with the agency, and you must work fast!
- Tip No. 3 – Work Quickly
It is a collaborative process when a couple and an agency work together.
You, the couple, MUST do your part in making sure that things run quickly and smoothly too.
So when you are given the instructions by the agency, do your best to make sure you respond within 24 hours with all the required information / documentation. The Agency should do the same.
By adhering to the high standards set by the AFL (which the agency will help you achieve), by working together quickly, and with the agency prioritising couples who are on a tight deadline, this is the only way an application can be made any quicker.
Once the application is submitted to the AFL, then the approval should be received within the stated ‘5 business days’ time frame.
How Quickly can I get Married in Denmark After Approval ?
In a matter of days, and choosing the right town hall is the key to this!
- Tip No. 4 – Be Flexible With Your Location
Some town halls in Denmark have GREAT availability, some town halls respond in less than 1 working day to wedding date requests, and some town halls even have an online booking system where your date can be booked immediately.
This is in stark contrast to other town halls that are either super popular (and are fully booked for at least 1 month ahead), very slow to respond to date requests, or they have a time period (for example, 2 weeks) that must be kept between contacting them to book a date, and the wedding date being requested.
While the town halls that you might not have heard of may not be the first obvious choice, in terms of where they are located in Denmark, they are in fact the town halls that are the catalyst to ensuring a fast wedding in Denmark!
This also leads us onto our last and final tip:
- Tip No. 5 – Be Flexible With the Day of Your Wedding
Quite simply, Saturdays, Fridays and Mondays get booked up very quickly, for the obvious reason that they are days surrounding the weekend. But if you’re happy to choose a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, then more available options will open up to you!
To summarise – yes, an express wedding in Denmark is possible, but you must be willing to do the following:
✅ Choose the advice of an expert who is trained in the process.
✅ Be willing to listen and act on the advice given by the expert you have hired.
✅ Work quickly, and don’t ‘fight’ the process!
✅ Be FLEXIBLE – with both the location of the town hall and the day you will get married.
Accepting each of these factors and leaning into them will ensure that you can have a fast wedding in Denmark, and you can enjoy the process too!
We recommend getting started as soon as possible, especially if you have a very tight schedule and want to get married in Denmark fast!
If you would like to know more about a wedding in Denmark, get your free documentation list on exactly what documents you would need to provide. We are looking forward to hearing from you!