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Zuzana and David – A Wedding In Copenhagen

Zuzana and David – A Wedding In Copenhagen

Zuzana from Slovakia and David from Hungary both met in Sweden where they lived for a couple of years before moving to Hungary. This lovely couple wanted a fun and stress free day, it was such a sweetly intimate and sentimental wedding in Copenhagen.

We met at the airport in Malmo. David was working in Lund and I did my internship in Copenhagen. We spent a lot of time at the beginning of our relationship in Copenhagen and South Sweden, therefore we felt it would be a great place to get married. The pictures with the bridge are special for us, since we spent a lot of time on the train between Copenhagen and Malmo visiting each other We love how relaxed and happy they look. We can see from these wonderful images captured by Nordica Photography, that they’ve completely lived and taken in the Copenhagen style for their wedding day and we can also see how much these different places around the city mean to them. So much Romance!

Zuzana and David's Sentimental Wedding by Nordica Photography

Photography – Nordica Photography 

Flowers – Annette Von Einem

Hair and Makeup – Matilde Hansen

Wedding Dress – Nicole Miller

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