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Was ist los in Kopenhagen?

Copenhagen is Denmark’s capital city. It’s a vibrant, buzzing place and there’s always so much going on. Here we take a look at the main events, so you can plan your trip accordingly.

Photo Credit: Martina Lanotte



What: Copenhagen Half Marathon

Where: Kopenhagen 

When: 15th September 

There will be around 25,000 runners taking to the streets of Copenhagen on Sunday 17th as they take on Copenhagen’s half marathon. The course of the race will take its participants through many of the city’s popular destinations: Frederiksberg Allé, the Marble Church, and The Parliament Christiansborg to name a few. As well as the thousands of runners taking part, the streets will be lined with crowds, cheering the runners on. 

While there are no weddings held at any of the town halls in Copenhagen on Sundays, do be aware if you are getting married or staying in Copenhagen over this weekend, the streets, restaurants and accommodation will all be much busier than usual.  

What: End of Summer at Tivoli

Where: Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen

When: 22nd September

Tivoli will close its doors for the summer season on Sunday 22nd September. It closes for 2.5 weeks as it prepares for the Halloween season, so if you’re in Copenhagen during early-mid September make sure you get in a last little slice of summer fun before Tivoli closes for summer. 

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