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Paula & Antoine Romantic French Wedding

Paula & Antoine Romantic French Wedding

We have something so special for you today. Paula Latry is a Spanish wedding planner living in France who married the love of her life last august 2013 in the first of a two part wedding. Antoine her groom is French, who she met in France while working together.  These beautiful images were captured by Cup of Couple Take a look at this inspirational day!

Also, Check out the awesome video at the bottom of this article to really get a feel of what the day was all about!

Romantic French Wedding Photographed by Cup of Couple

Bride Dress: Luis Alonso

Photos and Video: Cup of Couple

Flowers: Carlo Alberto Girotti,

Organization + I Design + Handcrafted: Me Paula Latry

Cocktail Bar: Lo Catamos

Collaborations: Maison Pompons , La Real Fabrica

Stationary: Project Party Studio

Dj:  Podium Evason Mathias Brausch

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