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DIY Tischnummern aus Moos

DIY Tischnummern aus Moos

We have green fingers here at Getting Married in Denmark so we thought we’d get crafty with them and create a great DIY table numbers ‘how to’ for you!

Moss is a great organic material to work with. It’s easy to get hold of, there’s lots of it and it can look amazing with many different styles of wedding. These DIY table numbers can be made quite a few days before your wedding and will really stand out and be easily seen by your guests and service. See below for instructions.

How-to Guide: Mossy DIY Table Numbers

All Pictures Featured Captured By Woodland Diaries


Moss, Scissors, Balsa Wood Box, Twine, Metal Numbers



Take sections of moss and cover your metal number ensuring that there is plenty covering the sides and a little more to go around the back.


Take sections of moss and cover your metal number ensuring that there is plenty covering the sides and a little more to go around the back.


Check all parts are nicely covered. If there are any parts missing, place more moss and secure with twine. Be careful not to get any bulges. This can misshape your number.


Give the moss table number a trim with the scissors to better define the shape of the number.


Check all parts are nicely covered. If there are any parts missing, place more moss and secure with twine. Be careful not to get any bulges. This can misshape your number.


Tie your number on to the base with twine, the only problem you can hit here is if your number 1 doesn’t have bases edges that you can use to tie on to the base. Keep this in mind when buying your metal numbers. Once you’re done tying the base give your number a final trim and you’re done!

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