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Ida & Hampus – Elegantly Sweet and Classical Wedding

Ida & Hampus – Elegantly Sweet and Classical Wedding

Ida and Hampus met in a small town Kristianstad in Sweden, it took the couple a little while to get together but once they did, things moved like a true romance story. Hampus proposed to Ida beside the Eiffel tower in Paris, where they were visiting with family.

His dad proposed to his mom there, so he thought that it was a nice to keep that ‘tradition’. I didn´t know anything. It was a surprise for all of us!

Now, that certainly is a tradition worth keeping! Their wedding day was amazing and filled with many memories for them. They look beautiful, what a classical and elegantly sweet wedding! Congratulations Ida and Hampus! And thank you to Photographer Per Henning for sharing his wonderful work with us.

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