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DIY Stuhldekoration für Hochzeiten

DIY Stuhldekoration für Hochzeiten

There are many different ways to glam up your wedding day table decorations, maybe you’re like me and you’d like to keep in simple and elegant or maybe you’re more of a shabby chic girl at heart and would just love to cover everything with a ruffle! 

Crafting Lavender: DIY Chair Decoration for Weddings

There are many different ways to glam up your wedding day table decorations, maybe you’re like me and you’d like to keep in simple and elegant or maybe you’re more of a shabby chic girl at heart and would just love to cover everything with a ruffle! 

Either way, chair backs can be a really lovely and easy way of decorating your wedding and set in the style you’re going for.  

These can be really easy and simple DIY projects that nearly anyone can help you with on the run-up to your big day.

Here’s a great tutorial online from  of one way to DIY chair decoration. 

You could apply this method to many different kinds of materials and flowers.

In this tutorial, lavender is used which can keep well without water for some time, be sure to use some wet cotton and some plastic to seal those stems in if you’re using a flower that wilts without water.

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