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Anleitung für die Brautfrisur von Heather Chapman, Hollywood Glamour

Anleitung für die Brautfrisur von Heather Chapman, Hollywood Glamour

We were absolutely delighted when hair stylist Heather Chapman agreed to create bridal hair how to for Getting Married in Denmark. This ladies work is amazing! We hope you find this tutorial as wonderful and as we do.

Haare: Heather Chapman Hair Wardrobe: Nicole’s Boutique Photography: K. Mari Photography Styling: Sealed with a Kiss MUA: The Pretty Committee Model: Melanie Harper

How to Do Bridal Hair in 7 Easy Steps

Section hair diagonally from left temple to right nape (or you can reverse it) Secure with clips

Comb your left section toward the right & pin in to place, crossing pins for security

Using a 1″ curling wand, wrap section horizontally from the bottom section to the top of the head. Curl everything in the same exact direction and manner.

Let curls cool, then brush them out in a downward motion.

Find the waves & places clips into the hair to define the waves

Spray with hairspray to set.

Remove clips and stun the crowd!!!

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