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Stil-Guide für den Bräutigam: Fliege und Hosenträger

Stil-Guide für den Bräutigam: Fliege und Hosenträger

This style for grooms is one of my favourites, I would almost go as far as to say it is my favourite. But how to achieve this? You really need to think about the what kind of look you want – Is it the rugged and artistic or is it the sharp and suave? You can hit both with bow tie and braces.

The Bow Tie and Braces Look For Grooms

This style for grooms is one of my favourites, I would almost go as far as to say it is my favourite. But how to achieve this? You really need to think about the what kind of look you want – Is it the rugged and artistic or is it the sharp and suave? You can hit both with bow tie and braces.

If it’s the sharp and suave, go for silk braces and bow tie or tie even, along with a dark tailored suite. If you want to accent it with colours to add a little edge, why not choose both dark suite and bow tie and then choose a solid coloured brace? Keep accessories on the low. The more simple and structured you are, the more sharp you will look.

Note that when I’m talking about braces here, I’m talking about suspenders too. Traditionally braces do not clip on to pants, suspenders clip on to pants. Braces fasten on with buttons. I would suggest that you go for a more traditional look and choose braces when considering them for your wedding. I’m a fan of both and although I advise you look in to braces as a first option, you can see I’ve used examples of suspenders for the purpose of this article because both work well. Always consider the color of metal on suspenders and what goes best with the color scheme of your wedding if you have one. If in doubt – check with your other half.

Going for rugged and artistic? Choose a wool bow tie and go for a blazer rather than a suit jacket. There isn’t much difference between the two but with a blazer, you’re not wearing matching pants. This is a super relaxed look for a groom but you’re still very much a gent and excellent if you’re going to have a boho styled partner. You can take steps to smarten it up if you feel the need by wearing matching pants and a crisp white shirt for example. Acessorising is always great with this look. I see it as being very vintage so choosing a tie tack, vintage cuffs or even a pocket watch would look great!

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