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Anna and Vlado’s Elegant Scandinavian Wedding

Anna and Vlado’s Elegant Scandinavian Wedding

We’re so honored when a photographer with such outstanding talent shares their work with us. Especially when their bride and groom have such exceptional taste too. These images took my breath away we just had to make sure this elegant Scandinavian wedding was fully featured in all it’s glory! The bride and groom look stunning and we wish the the very best in the future, congratulations!

The first time we met was, cliche, at a party held by Vlados big brother. Despite (or because of ?) an old dusty Christmas sweater and thick unexciting Bally Boots, something clicked between us! Vlado purposed when we celebrated two years together together , in February 2012. He had even found a nice ring all by himself. What a guy!

The first time we met was, cliche, at a party held by Vlados big brother. Despite (or because of ?) an old dusty Christmas sweater and thick unexciting Bally Boots, something clicked between us! Vlado purposed when we celebrated two years together together in February 2012. He had even found a nice ring all by himself. What a guy!

An Elegant Scandinavian Wedding Like No Other

We wanted to have the wedding soon , we thought of the old adage that it should not go longer than a year between engagement and the wedding. Since I love everything related to planning, and also frequent user of Pinterest , a mass of “wedding inspiration boards” were created very quickly. 

During summer 2012 , we wanted to decide for venue and church. There are not many to choose from in the Halmstad area , most could not accommodate as many guests as we wanted to include. By chance one day we drove past Söndrums church, which is a closely guarded secret with paddocks around. There, we knew we wanted to get married. Not far from Söndrums Church is Heagårds Skafferi , which of course in addition to the great location and the wonderful environment also serves divine food . Actually , we could not imagine having our party elsewhere, so there had to be. 

Our cermony was not the usual “Swedish way” because Vlado is Orthodox Christian . We were married by a priest Milan Vukasin of the Serbian Orthodox tradition. The fact that Milan was our priest was very significant for the day went so well, and we have become really good friends with him.

The only thing that was difficult for me in the process was to find the right dress. 99% of all wedding gowns in store look exactly alike , and it’s not my style at all. The dresses that were actually turned out fine could usually only be bought in the U.S. Right from the beginning, Jenny Packham's dream like art deco dresses the great inspiration , and when I found that they were sold at the Vintage Bride in Copenhagen , it could not hurt to at least go there and look … In the end, I fell head over heels for the dress Dentelle , so it was not even worth while to look for more once I found it. You get married just once in a lifetime … hopefully!

On my feet, I had a couple of dove blue shoes from Badgley Mischka (which in all honesty was slightly too high for someone who usually goes in said Bally shoes ) , but changed later in the evening on the more lightly danced ballet shoes. Vlado had a easier time finding his suit . A livid suit with vest was tailored on Thomas in Halmstad.

We were married on Sept. 7, 2013 ; September’s warmest day (which felt under a suit, tails and a long dress ) . In hindsight it is easy to conclude that in principle, everything about wedding planning and making went exactly as we wanted it . Most fun was that we ultimately was able to invite as many guests as we wanted, and it was an absolutely fantastic day and evening, with most of the guests left the dance floor until Heagård closed for the night. Anna has almost never danced in her life before, but could not sit still for that evening! It absolutely was – now it’s cliche again – the best day of our lives and if we could do it all over again we would have done everything the same way .

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